Shout! Factory Presents Percy Adlon’s BAGDAD CAFÉ Award-Winning Comedy Drama Premieres in Home Theaters Everywhere April 27, 2021

“Bagdad Cafe sets us free from the production line of Hollywood’s brain-damaged ‘high concepts’ and walks its own strange and lovely path... one of the biggest box office successes in recent European history.” – Roger Ebert
A charming and eccentric celebration of community, Percy Adlon’s award-winning comedy drama Bagdad Cafe will come to home theaters on digital and on demand everywhere on April 27, 2021. Fans who order from Apple will also have access to an exclusive special feature, The Trip to Bagdad, a bonus documentary with Eleonore and Percy Adlon.
On a desert road somewhere between Las Vegas and Disneyland, a middle-aged German tourist couple has a spat...and the wife, Jasmin, strikes out on her own. Fate awaits her in the most unlikely place: a desolate truck-stop that proves to be an oasis of friendship. This film has won 19 national and international awards!
Bonus Feature, exclusive to Apple release:
· The Trip to Bagdad - Eleonore and Percy Adlon take their granddaughters Gideon, Odessa and Roxanne back to the creation of Bagdad Cafe.